I'm having some trouble controlling output replication level with PigRunner.  
In particular, when on a single box dev environment I want to set replication 
to 1.  Else, with replication at 3x, the name node marks all blocks as under 
replicated and eventually starts freaking out.

Here are some details:
-I set replication to 1 in hdfs-site.xml.  I set all relevant environment 
variables like HADOOP_CONF_DIR and PIG_HOME
-When I run pig on the command line I get my desired output replication of 1.
-When I run pig through PigRunner I get output replication of 3.
  -I checked on all ENV variables within my process using PigRunner.  They 
match what I see in the shell.  (Not sure if PigRunner would pick these up 
  -I pass a properties file to PigRunner.  The only relevant property there is 

My best guess is I'm not passing in the correct properties, but I am not sure.  
Thanks in advance for any suggestions here.


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