Yeah that's what I think is the simplest: just exporting 


Hadoop jar mymainclass arg1 arg2 
> On Feb 16, 2014, at 3:04 PM, Prashant Kommireddi <> wrote:
> You could run it as a regular java application (with a main method)? You
> need to have pig and Hadoop on the classpath.
>> On Sunday, February 16, 2014, Jay Vyas <> wrote:
>> Hi pig:
>> What is the common idiom for executing a Java application which runs pig
>> commands using the direct Java API (i.e. by creatiing a PigServer object,
>> etc...) ?   There are a few ways i can think of:
>> 1) using "hadoop jar" , but this will of course fail since pig is not in
>> the hadoop classpath.
>> 2) using a "pig ..." command
>> 3) Adding pig jars to the distributed cache at runtime in a standard java
>> hadoop program.
>> Not sure what is the "right" way to do it though?
>> Thanks !
>> --
>> Jay Vyas

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