The shell is interpreting the semicolons as meaning a new command is being
entered. You might need to use some quotation marks around the classpath
On Dec 3, 2015 11:34 PM, "Shashi Vishwakarma" <>

> Hi
> I am trying to simple pig code but its giving me some permission. Here is
> my sample pig code.
> import;import org.apache.pig.PigServer;import
> org.apache.pig.ExecType;import
> org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;public class PigTest{
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>    try {
>         Configuration conf = new Configuration();
>         conf.set("hdp.version","");
>         //PigServer pigServer = new PigServer("mapreduce",conf);
>         PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, conf);
>      runIdQuery(pigServer, "myfile.txt");
>    }
>    catch(Exception e) {
>    }}public static void runIdQuery(PigServer pigServer, String
> inputFile) throws IOException {
>    pigServer.registerQuery("A = load '" + inputFile + "' using
> PigStorage(':');");
>    pigServer.registerQuery("B = foreach A generate $0 as id;");
>"B", "idout");
>    }}
> I set my classpath as below
> echo
> $CLASSPATH.:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/*:/usr/hdp/
> When i am running my code with java command it is working perfectly but
> when created a jar of my code and trying to run , it is giving me below
> permission error.
> *java -cp
> /usr/hdp/**/*;*/usr/hdp/*op-hdfs/lib/*;/usr/hdp/*;/usr/hdp/*;/usr/hdp/*;/usr/hdp/;/usr/hdp/
> -jar PigTest.jar*
> *Error: Could not find or load main class
> .usr.hdp.
> -bash: /usr/hdp/ Permission denied
> -bash: /usr/hdp/
> Permission denied
> -bash: /usr/hdp/
> Permission denied
> -bash: /usr/hdp/ Permission
> denied
> -bash: /usr/hdp/ is a directory
> -bash: /usr/hdp/
> Permission denied*
> Any clue on this?
> Thanks
> Shashi

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