
When I run a Pig job on a Kerberos secured cluster it uses the tickets
obtained from the kinit I did just before starting the job.
In some cases the job will run for a longer time than the max renew time of
the kerberos tickets.

In other Yarn applications (like Apache Flink) I can login using a Kerberos
keytab file on a secure cluster by doing something like this in my Java

System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", "/etc/krb5.conf");


I checked the source of Pig and couldn't find any reference to logging in
with a keytab file.

How can I use a keytab file to authenticate a pig job on a secure cluster?
Or is this for which I should submit a feature request?

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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