
That's a lot to look at.  :)  Maybe you can reproduce the error with the
minimum amount of input (one record?) and update this thread with how to
reproduce.  Also minimize the Python code to the bare minimum required to
get the same error.  It might be easier to get volunteers if you make
reproducing and code review easier.

Good luck,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 9:51 PM, Amit Sharma (VAS) <
> wrote:

> Somebody please help
> Best regards
> Amit Sharma
> From: Amit Sharma
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 4:17 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: PIG: python udf streaming error
> Hi,
> while calling python udf from pig(local). i am getting following error
> (attempt logs) & in the console getting the error mentioned below. Not able
> to trace where i am doing wrong as same code was working earlier. Using
> RHEL(6.4) on 64 bit machine with 2.7.2 hadoop & 0.15 version pig & python
> 3.5
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/tmp/", line 356, in <module>
> sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6], sys.argv[7], sys.argv[8])
> File "/tmp/", line 88, in main
> input_str = self.get_next_input()
> File "/tmp/", line 164, in get_next_input
> while input_str.endswith(END_RECORD_DELIM) == False:
> TypeError: endswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str
> Following is the error at console:
> java.lang.Exception: org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingUDFException:
> LINE : at
> org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job.runTasks(
> at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$
> Caused by: org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingUDFException: LINE : at
> org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.StreamingUDF$
> Exception in thread "Thread-35" java.lang.NullPointerException at
> org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.StreamingUDF$
> Following is the python code:
> @outputSchema('output_field_name:chararray')
> def readfileinlist(filename):
>     with open(filename) as inputfile:
>             lines =
>     return lines
> @outputSchema('output_field_name:boolean')
> def intlgtinlist(srcgt,destgt,intgtllist):
>     if srcgt.startswith(tuple(intgtllist)) or
> destgt.startswith(tuple(intgtllist)):
>             return True
>     else:
>             return False
> @outputSchema('output_field_name:boolean')
> def checkintlgtincdrs(aparty,srcgt,destgt):
>     intgtllist = []
>     try:
>             if( (len(srcgt) > 0 or len(destgt) > 0) and (srcgt or destgt)
> and aparty.isdigit()):
>                     if os.path.isfile(INTERNATIONALGTPATH) and
> os.access(INTERNATIONALGTPATH, os.R_OK) and
> os.stat(INTERNATIONALGTPATH).st_size > 0:
>                             #FUNCTION FOR READING THE FILE IN ARRAY/TUPLE
>                             intgtllist =
>                             #CHECK FOR THE INPUT(ARG0) IN ARRAY/TUPLE
>                             if intlgtinlist(srcgt,destgt,intgtllist):
>                                     return True
>                             else:
>                                     return False
>                     else:
>                             return False
>             else:
>                     return False
>     except OSError or IndexError:
>             pass
>     return True
> Following is the pig script
>  record = LOAD '/inreport/cdrs/ZTE_20160301*' USING
> PigStorage('|','-tagFile');
>  REGISTER '' using streaming_python as smsiucudfs;
>  internationalcdrsfilter = FILTER record by
> smsiucudfs.checkintlgtincdrs($1,$26,$27);
> \
> Best regards
> Amit Sharma
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