Thanks a lot.the most minimal input (test.txt) contains one line "c 12".You may 
visit this link ( for a more 
clear version.

----- --- -----
From: Steve Terrell <>,
Subj: Re: exception when use multiple "store"s
Date 2016-05-04 23:09

Please provide the the most minimal input (test.txt) required to reproduce
the error.
On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:28 AM, <> wrote:
>  The following code and data will raise an exception.However, if I remove
> any of the four "store"s, the code will be fine.test.pigr = load 'test.txt'
> as (id: chararray, val: long);
> t1 = filter r by val >= 12 and val < 20;
> grpd = group t1 by val;
> t1_cnt = foreach grpd generate group as name, COUNT(t1) as value;
> t1_cnt = foreach t1_cnt generate (chararray)name, value;
> grpd = group t1 all;
> t1_cnt_total = foreach grpd generate 't1' as name, COUNT(t1) as value;
> t2 = filter r by val >= 20 and val < 30;
> grpd = group t2 by val;
> t2_cnt = foreach grpd generate group as name, COUNT(t2) as value;
> --t2_cnt = foreach t2_cnt generate (chararray)name, value;
> grpd = group t2 all;
> t2_cnt_total = foreach grpd generate 't2' as name, COUNT(t2) as value;
> store t1_cnt  into 'outx/3';
> store t2_cnt  into 'outx/4';
> store t1_cnt_total into 'outx/5';
> store t2_cnt_total into 'outx/6';
> andtest.txtc    12
> will cause error:
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:
> cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
> at
> org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POCast.getNextString(
> at
> org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator.getNext(
> ... 14 more
> I don't know why the code need to cast a BinSedesTuple to Long.The same
> exception will be caused if I union the four results.jira link:

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