Hi Guys,

When I am running my Pig Script, I am doing OK with small data sets. But if I 
use the same script for big data sets, I got this Exception:

ERROR 0: Exception while executing (Name: Kff: Filter[bag] - scope-142 Operator 
Key: scope-142): org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 0: 
Exception while executing [PORelationToExprProject (Name: 
RelationToExpressionProject[bag][*] - scope-134 Operator Key: scope-134) 
children: null at []]: java.lang.ClassCastException: 
org.apache.pig.data.BinSedesTuple cannot be cast to 

And I am using the following script:

F = LOAD './q' AS (ori_query:chararray, t:chararray, w:chararray, 

G = JOIN F by t, E by word;

H = FOREACH G GENERATE F::ori_query as ori_query, F::t as word, F::w as weight, 
F::wordCnts as wordCnts, E::proID as proID, E::proScore as proScore;

I = FOREACH H GENERATE ori_query, proID, wordCnts, 
que_udfs.getQueryScore(weight, proScore) as queryScore;

J = COGROUP I BY (ori_query, proID);

K = FOREACH J GENERATE group.ori_query as ori_query, group.proID as proID, 
I.wordCnts as wordCnts, I.queryScore as queryScore, SIZE(I.queryScore) as 

K_fil = FILTER K BY (ori_query is not NULL) AND (proID is not NULL);

Kgetter = FOREACH K_fil {

        count = limit wordCnts 1;

        GENERATE ori_query, proID, flatten(count) as count, queryScore, 


Kff = FILTER Kgetter BY (count is not NULL) and (matchCnts is not NULL) and 
(count == matchCnts) and (queryScore is not NULL);

E has this data format:

8801    102588050       0.555555555556

ZERO    102588050       0.0

s       102588050       0.555555555556

zero    102588050       0.555555555556

US      102588050       0.0376254180602

hello   102588050       0.0376254180602

people  102588050       0.0376254180602

any     102588050       0.0376254180602

F has this data format:

8801           8801s   4.285714285714286       2

hello Media    hello   5.714285714285715       2

ZERO mate s    ZERO    7.127210931539155       3

ZERO mate s    mate    0.6432799241636031      3

ZERO mate s    s       2.229509144297241       3

US             US      10.0                    1

any people     any     0.1620255817609147      2

any people     people  9.837974418239085       2

Does anyone has any idea why this Exception is happening?

Many thanks in advance!

Best Regards,

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