thanks Steve

but what is not clear to me is the following: in my file I need to
add the path to the python package library.

but should this be the path to pytz on the master computer or the path on
the nodes? Indeed, the nodes also have pytz installed, and of course pytz
in the nodes is installed in a different folder. is that an issue?

Last, yes, pytz loads the timezones from a folder (zoneinfo) that is
normally included in package-libs/pytz/zoneinfo

thanks again!!!

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016, 12:07 Steve Terrell <> wrote:

> I do a lot of Python streaming functions in Pig.  I checked, and one of
> them even uses pytz.timezone(time_zone), but I haven't had that error.
> One problem I had early on with Pythin SFs in Pig is that my slave nodes
> had trouble importing my own Python code.  I solved this my putting all my
> own code on a NFS server and made sure the master and all slaves mounted
> it.  Obviously, you are not having an import problem.  But it made me think
> about master vs. slave setup issues.
> Try running the python code on each of the slaves and the master outside of
> Pig.  Make sure that all nodes on the cluster run the save versions of
> Python and pytz.  Also, find out if the list of know time zones is coded
> directly in pytz, or if it gets a list from somewhere in an OS library.
> Also, try passing 'UTC'.
> Actually, I just looked in my putz source and saw this tidbit:
> try:
>     zone = ascii(zone)
> except UnicodeEncodeError:
>     # All valid timezones are ASCII
>     raise UnknownTimeZoneError(zone)
> And the ascii(zone) function ends up doing zone.encode('US-ASCII') .
> Maybe there's a problem with your string encoding?  You should be
> getting a trace from your error to tell you where in pytz the
> exception is occurring, I think.
> Good luck,
>     Steve
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 8:46 AM, Olaf Collider <>
> wrote:
> > Hello everybody!
> >
> > I use the following code in my
> >
> > import sys
> > sys.path.append(path_to_libs)
> > import pytz
> >
> > but then Pig send back an error at line
> >
> > to_zone=pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
> >
> > saying that pytz.exception.UnknownTimeZoneError : 'America/New_York'
> >
> > this error drives me crazy!!! Pytz is correctly installed.. Any idea
> whats
> > going on? The other udfs (including datetime) work just fine
> >
> > Thanks!!!
> >

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