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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: Re[3]: ltChunk using in POI
Date:   Tue, 17 May 2016 11:20:35 -0700
From:   Javen O'Neal <javenon...@gmail.com>
Reply-To:       POI Users List <user@poi.apache.org>
To: POI Users List <user@poi.apache.org>, Алексей Ушаровский <usha...@mail.ru>

I haven't worked with POI's XWPF package yet, so your guess is better than

However, I would assume that POI doesn't support document concatenating and
that people have written their own code to define how they want to combine
the documents. For example, how do you combine two documents with different
headers and footers, different style themes, different XML namespaces,
different VBA macros, etc? How do you resolve collisions of named fields?
Do you start the second document on the last page of the first document or
on a new page? How do you handle different page layouts, margins, and
printer settings? Combining bibliographies?

It might be possible to write a function that indisputably combines two
very simple documents, but it'd be tricky to implement something that
satisfies everyone's needs that handles complex documents.

If all your after is merging the paragraphs, then you could for-loop over
the paragraphs and copy them into the first document, creating a new page
before you start copying if that's the behavior you want. If you control
the format of the files that will be merged (say documents are rich text
plus pictures, text boxes, and tables), you might be able to get away with
this. If you don't have control, this would take a lot of effort with POI.

If you're just after the text content, look at XWPFWordExtractor

If you're willing to embed a document rather than joining a document, you
could use UpdateEmbeddedDoc

For non-POI solutions:
Look at what LibreOffice/OpenOffice do, both in application behavior and
source code. I think they have a headless API if you're still evaluating
software libraries that meet your needs.

If you have MS Office installed on your system, you could use VBA scripts
to automate this. You could also write code that remote controls Word over
a COM port.

Searching on Google for "altChunk POI", someone said Aspose (a commercial
$$$ library) has support for altChunk. I recently migrated 3 software
products at my company from Aspose Cells to POI Spreadsheet due to
increased licensing costs and poorly documented API, no source code access
(to make up for the API documentation), inability to add missing features
with a forked version, and lack of transparency of memory/speed performance
due to closed source.

Best of luck solving your problem!
On May 17, 2016 09:29, "Алексей Ушаровский" <usha...@mail.ru> wrote:

And another question. Is there any standard way to join two docx files into
one document by POI. Unfortunately i found nothing about it in the internet.
Отправлено из Mail.Ru для Android вторник, 17 мая 2016г., 18:55 +03:00 от
Алексей Ушаровский < usha...@mail.ru> :

Thank you, Javen!
How I understand problem is not only on hi level interface. POI has it own
classes which implement many but not all OOXML items.
Отправлено из Mail.Ru для Android вторник, 17 мая 2016г., 18:49 +03:00 от
"Javen O'Neal" <  javenon...@gmail.com > :

Yes, if you're willing to write using CT* classes.


I couldn't find a higher-level abstraction on top of this in POI though.
If you get something working, please submit it back to POI so that your
work can benefit others with a similar problem.
On May 17, 2016 8:34 AM, "Алексей Ушаровский" <  usha...@mail.ru > wrote:

Is it possible to use altChunk OOXML items in docx by POI library?


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