Also, make sure you're recompiling your application against each version of
POI as you upgrade, as we may have unintentionally broken binary backwards

We're in the early stages of comparing POI releases for backwards
compatibility using JApiCmp to find unintentional source and binary API

On Jan 20, 2017 09:00, "Javen O'Neal" <> wrote:

> See the 3.15 beta 1 changelog
> changes.html#3.15-beta1
> Bug: 59170
> Module: SS Common
> *Remove deprecated classes (POI 3.15) - org.apache.poi.hssf/ss.util.Region
> (breaks backwards compatibility)*
> *We have made some backwards-breaking changes in order to harmonize HSSF,
> XSSF, and SXSSF and to make the API easier to use.*
> *We have made our best effort to maintain backwards compatibility for 2
> final releases after a feature has been deprecated before removing a
> feature (breaking backwards compatibility). In rare cases, we have broken
> backwards compatibility with fewer than 2 final releases of deprecation
> warning. Code in scratchpad and code marked as @Internal may be changed
> without the 2 release deprecation warning.*
> *We appreciate that you're taking the time to upgrade your version of POI,
> as there are some important security fixes, new features, and fewer bugs
> (hopefully!). Because of our 2 release rule, it may be easier to upgrade
> from POI 3.9 to 3.11 and fix any @deprecation warnings (we try to suggest
> the replacement for the deprecated feature in the @deprecated javadocs
> message, but you may need to search the changeling, find the bug, and look
> for the changes to figure out how to update your code). After you have
> upgraded to 3.11, jump another 2 releases to 3.13, and continue this until
> you're caught up.*
> *If you can't figure out the replacement for deprecated code that is later
> removed, please email us as you have done in this email for HSSF.Region.*
> *If you find a backwards-breaking change that wasn't indicated in bold on
> the changelog, please let us know so we can update the changelog and make
> it easier for others to upgrade from 3.9.*
> *Thank you and best of luck with upgrading!*
> *Javen*
> On Jan 20, 2017 02:28, "Giuseppe Costagliola" <giuseppe.costagliola@
>> wrote:
>> I'm upgrading from 3.9 to 3.14 but this statement (that compiles fine at
>> 3.9) :
>> sheet.addMergedRegion(new Region(rowNum-1, (short) 0,
>>                          rowNum-1, (short) iTitleCols));
>> gives this compile error with 3.14:
>> addMergedRegion( in
>> org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet cannot be applied to
>> (org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region)
>> Thanks for help.
>> Giuseppe.
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