While I searched quite a lot in net, I havent able to find an exact solution.
I havent able to write a number with 16 digits. Ex) 3340005973272861 It loses precision, last digit to be exact. (and it doesnt seem a problem about bigdecimal to double conversion? or is it?) Double d = Double.parseDouble("3340005973272861"); System.out.println(d.longValue()); // this writes the exact output Is this XSSF limitation? Is there a solution other than writing it as a string? Thx Bu e-posta'n?n i?erdi?i bilgiler (ekleri dahil olmak ?zere) gizlidir. Onay?m?z olmaks?z?n ???nc? ki?ilere a?iklanamaz. Bu mesaj?n g?nderilmek istendi?i ki?i de?ilseniz, l?tfen mesaj? sisteminizden derhal siliniz. IBTech A.?. bu mesaj?n i?erdi?i bilgilerin do?rulu?u veya eksiksiz oldu?u konusunda bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bilgilerin ne ?ekilde olursa olsun i?eri?inden, iletilmesinden, al?nmas?ndan, saklanmas?ndan sorumlu de?ildir. Bu mesaj?n i?eri?i yazar?na ait olup, IBTech A.?.'nin g?r??lerini i?ermeyebilir. The information contained in this e-mail (including any attachments)is confidential. It must not be disclosed to any person without our authority. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it from your system immediately. IBTech A.S. makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any liability of any kind for the information contained therein or for the information transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way whatsoever. Any opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of IBTech A.S.