
Can you share a thread-dump at the time the process is "stuck", this should
at least show where exactly the program takes a long time to finish or even
loops endlessly.

Is there any network-file-access involved? I saw issues in other projects
where reading/write a remote file took ages or even hung completely when
doing networked I/O, maybe that is involved on the server, but not on the


On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 5:35 PM, Rajeev Ramachandran <rajeev...@gmail.com>

> We have a set of utility programs which reads an .xlsx file for some input
> data and generate reports, Apache POI is used for this purpose. Excel file
> got 8 sheets with an average of 50 rows and 20 columns of data. Everything
> was working fine in normal Windows 7 box (Read developers machine). The
> file reading will get finished in few seconds.
> Recently we moved these jobs to a Windows Server 2012 R2 box and we have
> noticed that the last sheet in the excel file takes lots of time to finish
> reading. I have duplicated the last sheet to confirm that this is not the
> data issue and executed the job, the second last sheet( was the last one in
> the previous execution) got finished reading in milli seconds and the last
> one (duplicated sheet) got again stuck for 15 minutes. My best guess here
> is that this may be because the time taken to close the file is getting too
> high but that is just a guess and no concrete evidence to prove that, also
> if that is the case I am not sure why so. Only difference between working
> Windows boxes and non-working boxes are the OS, rest all configurations are
> similar. I have analyzed the heap and thread dump and no issues found.
> Is there any known compatibility issues with POI and Windows server boxes?
> Or is it something related to code? We are using POI-XSSF implementation.
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