Are there any third party libraries that can lex SQL and return an rich
text string?

This would be the easiest way to avoid writing your own syntax highlighter
that understands the full SQL grammar.

Looks like there area bunch of online syntax highlighters that will produce
HTML output. [1]

You could also look at Eclipse's source code to see how they accomplish
syntax highlighting.

You might have better luck asking your question on StackOverflow or another
community where there are more people who have integrated syntax
highlighters into their application.

Once you have that, writing the colorized SQL to a Word document via POI is

If this is a one-off, you can also copy your SQL code to Notepad++ or any
other application which supports OLE/rich text on a clipboard, you can
paste the colorized text back to the Word document.


On Mar 3, 2017 02:46, "Peter Remec" <> wrote:

I'm generating a .docx file using Apache POI. This file contains a lot of
SQL code and is quite unreadable so I was thinking about coloring that
code. Any idea how to achieve that?

I understand that POI doesn't have some highlighter to complete this task.
I'm just looking for some idea of how to highlight it during file
generation with POI.


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