
something like the following makes it run, although I am not sure if this
is doing the right thing here

POIXMLDocumentPart part = new POIXMLDocumentPart(new
MemoryPackagePart(new ZipPackage(),
        PackagingURIHelper.createPartName("/sample/name"), "image/png"));
drawing.addRelation(rel.getId(), XSSFRelation.SHEET_HYPERLINKS, part);

Regards.. Dominik.

On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:46 PM, Daniel Küppers <dan...@tetralog.com> wrote:

> Hi Dominik,
> i tried that in a previous approach, but no luck. This throws a
> NullPointerException.
> regards, Daniel
> Am 05.03.2017 um 22:37 schrieb Dominik Stadler:
> Hi,
> I don't know much about all this, but XSSFRelation seems to contain
> constants for a number of types, one of them HYPERLINK, so it seems you can
> use something like:
> drawing.addRelation(rel.getId(), XSLFRelation.HYPERLINK, new
> POIXMLDocumentPart());
> Dominik.
> On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 3:49 PM, Daniel Küppers <dan...@tetralog.com> 
> <dan...@tetralog.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> before apache poi 3.14-Beta1 i used to connect a picture with a hyperlink
> over the XSSFDrawing.addRelation() method.
> Example:
> XSSFDrawing drawing = row.getSheet().createDrawingPatriarch();
> PackageRelationship rel = drawing.getPackagePart().addRelationship(
>   new URI(myWebsiteTarget), TargetMode.EXTERNAL, "
> http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relat
> ionships/hyperlink" 
> <http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink>);
> *drawing.addRelation(rel.getId(), new POIXMLDocumentPart());*
> CTPictureNonVisual nvPicPr = picture.getCTPicture().getNvPicPr();
> CTHyperlink hLinkClick = nvPicPr.getCNvPr().addNewHlinkClick();
> hLinkClick.setId(rel.getId());
> however, since 3.14-Beta1, it is required to submit a POIXMLRelation zu
> the addRelation()-method.
> How is it supposed to aquire this? Does anyone else overcome this change?
> I couldn't find something related in the patchnotes either.
> kind regards, Daniel
> --
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind regards
> gez. / signed *Daniel Küppers* (Developer)
> *TETRALOG* - Kunststoffrecycling e.K.
> Am Muensterwald 1, D - 52159 Roetgen, GERMANY
> phone/Tel.: +49 - 2471 - 133 70 - 13 <+49%202471%201337013> / fax: - 29
> Amtsgericht Aachen, HRA 4627
> www.tetralog.com
> [image: Tetralog Logo]

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