Thanks Nick.

Both staging and live are using "oracle.xml.jaxp.JXSAXParserFactory" from
exactly the same version of xmlparserv2.jar - but one works, while the
other doesn't.

Locally, I'm using "org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl", from
apache-xml-xerces.jar - which works.

Both jars are available on all environments - where might any setting of
the default be taking place? This is on Tomcat; nothing seems to be
specified in


On 7 September 2017 at 11:40:07, Nick Burch ( wrote:

On Thu, 7 Sep 2017, Seb Duggan wrote:
> Notice the differences in the first two lines...
> There is a minimal difference in the Java version on the servers: my
> computer is running 1.8.0_112, staging is running 1.8.0_45, and live
> (producing the corrupt files) is on 1.8.0_66. All are Oracle 64-bit.
> Can anyone think of what might be causing the difference in output
> the servers? I've been banging my head against this now for a couple of
> days!

My best guess is that on production, you have deliberately or accidentally
configured in a different (likely older / less functional) XML library as
your JVM-default XML handler

I'd suggest doing something like "SAXParserFactory.newInstance();" then
checking what class you got + which jar that class came from. My hunch is
they won't be the same on both servers, and likely won't be what you
wanted / expected on your broken server!


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