Hi Andi and Team,

thank you for prompt response.

On Thu, 2019-10-17 at 20:11 -0700, kiwiwings wrote:

> this issue pops up every now and then. Please have a look at
> http://apache-poi.1045710.n5.nabble.com/Floating-point-behaviour-difference-between-POI-and-Excel-td5715765.html

I will read through that.

> So Excel rounds to 15 digits. I'm undecided about the BigDecimal API,
> so Ileave it to the others to decide.

Pardon my curiosity: what are the Cons? I might be biased by my
profession, but I believe floating point arithmetic sucks.

> Regarding the DB inserts, why do you store numbers in varchars(12)?
> ... Iwould expect the jdbc API to truncate/round the doubles and use
> the maximumnumber type. 

Well, we hit an exceptional field here: Base Rate can be a number (like
5% p.a.) or a reference to a yield curve like LIBOR or EURIBOR.
Would we not hit exactly the same problem with NUMBER(3,9) or
DECIMAL(3,9) when 0.10669129999999999 exceeds the precision/scale?

Thank you again and cheers

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