Btw, there seems to be a stylesheet that translates MathML into

And this shows how to use

Good luck!

On Fri, 2020-10-23 at 10:44 +0200, Cosimo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to render LaTeX equations like:
>     \sigma=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}
> into Excel equation objects. The JLatexMath package allows one to
> render a latex equation into a PNG image. I tried that, but it seems
> that the SXSSF streaming interface doesn't allow me to add images to
> the workbook.
> I'm considering an alternative solution, streaming or not, to render
> latex equations directly into equation objects (the
> `<m:oMathPara><m:r>...` drawingml objects IIUC).
> What I have available from JLatexMath is a Graphics2D interface, so
> the equations can be painted onto a Graphics2D context. The closest
> match I found in POI is the EscherGraphics2D class.
> Is there any existing way with POI to convert latex into an xml
> equation/math drawing object? 
> I found that is doing exactly that,
> but it's Haskell.
> Haven't found anything equivalent in Java.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,

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