It worked! Thank you Pat!

On 8 November 2017 at 17:52, Pat Ferrel <> wrote:

> “mvn not found”, install mvn.
> This step will go away with the next Mahout release.
> On Nov 8, 2017, at 2:41 AM, Noelia Osés Fernández <>
> wrote:
> Thanks Pat!
> I have followed the instructions on the ** file of the mahout
> folder:
> *You will need to build this using Scala 2.11. Follow these instructions -
> install Scala 2.11 as your default version*
> I've done this with the following commands:
> # scala install
> wget
> sudo dpkg -i scala-2.11.7.deb
> # sbt installation
> echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://
> <> --recv 642AC823
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install sbt
> * - download this repo: `git clone`
> <> - checkout the speedup branch:
> `git checkout sparse-speedup-13.0` - edit the build script
> ` <>` to put the custom repo
> where you want it*
> This file is now:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> git checkout sparse-speedup-13.0
> mvn clean package -DskipTests -Phadoop2 -Dspark.version=2.1.1
> -Dscala.version=2.11.11 -Dscala.compat.version=2.11
> echo "Make sure to put the custom repo in the right place for your
> machine!"
> echo "This location will have to be put into the Universal Recommenders
> build.sbt"
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///home/ubuntu/PredictionIO/apache-
> predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/.custom-scala-m2/repo/ -Dfile=//home/ubuntu/
> PredictionIO/apache-predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/mahout/hdfs/target/mahout-hdfs-0.13.0.jar
> -DgroupId=org.apache.mahout -DartifactId=mahout-hdfs -Dversion=0.13.0
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///home/ubuntu/PredictionIO/apache-
> predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/.custom-scala-m2/repo/ -Dfile=//home/ubuntu/
> PredictionIO/apache-predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/mahout/math/target/mahout-math-0.13.0.jar
> -DgroupId=org.apache.mahout -DartifactId=mahout-math -Dversion=0.13.0
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///home/ubuntu/PredictionIO/apache-
> predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/.custom-scala-m2/repo/ -Dfile=//home/ubuntu/
> PredictionIO/apache-predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/mahout/math-scala/target/mahout-math-scala_2.11-0.13.0.jar
> -DgroupId=org.apache.mahout -DartifactId=mahout-math-scala_2.11
> -Dversion=0.13.0
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///home/ubuntu/PredictionIO/apache-
> predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/.custom-scala-m2/repo/ -Dfile=//home/ubuntu/
> PredictionIO/apache-predictionio-0.12.0-incubating/PredictionIO-0.12.
> 0-incubating/vendors/mahout/spark/target/mahout-spark_2.11-0.13.0.jar
> -DgroupId=org.apache.mahout -DartifactId=mahout-spark_2.11 -Dversion=0.13.0
> * - execute the build script `
> <>`*
> This outputed the following:
> $ ./
> M
> Already on 'sparse-speedup-13.0'
> Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/sparse-speedup-13.0'.
> ./ line 5: mvn: command not found
> Make sure to put the custom repo in the right place for your machine!
> This location will have to be put into the Universal Recommenders build.sbt
> ./ line 10: mvn: command not found
> ./ line 11: mvn: command not found
> ./ line 12: mvn: command not found
> ./ line 13: mvn: command not found
> Do I need to install MAVEN? If so, it is not said in the PredictionIO
> installation instructions nor on the Mahout instructions.
> I apologise if this is an obvious question for those familiar with the
> Apache projects, but for an outsider like me it helps when everything (even
> the most silly details) is spelled out. Thanks a lot for all your
> invaluable help!!
> On 7 November 2017 at 20:58, Pat Ferrel <> wrote:
>> Very sorry, it was incorrectly set to private. Try it again.
>> On Nov 7, 2017, at 7:26 AM, Pat Ferrel <> wrote:
> --
> <>
> Noelia Osés Fernández, PhD
> Senior Researcher |
> Investigadora Senior
> +[34] 943 30 92 30
> Data Intelligence for Energy and
> Industrial Processes | Inteligencia
> de Datos para Energía y Procesos
> Industriales
> <>
> <>
> <>
> member of:  <>     <>
> Legal Notice - Privacy policy
> <>


Noelia Osés Fernández, PhD
Senior Researcher |
Investigadora Senior
+[34] 943 30 92 30
Data Intelligence for Energy and
Industrial Processes | Inteligencia
de Datos para Energía y Procesos


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