It looks like this Scala function is the source of that jars list:

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 17:42 Mars Hall <> wrote:

> Where does the classpath in spark-submit originate? Is
> not the source?
> As noted previously, the stable-ordering fix by me in
> no longer seems to be effective either.
> Looks like some tracing of classpath assembly through the Spark command
> runner is required:
> Unless someone with more knowledge of these internals could weigh-in…
> Donald? 😬😊
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 15:44 Shane Johnson <> wrote:
>> One additional item that you mentioned earlier is that we would need to
>> remove or skip the aws-java-sdk.jar that is already in the CLASSPATH. Do
>> you think this has impact? I did not write anything to skip or remove the
>> existing aws-java-sdk.jar.
>> aws-java-sdk.jar is already in the CLASSPATH though, So, the script will
>>> need to skip or remove it first.
>> *Shane Johnson | LIFT IQ*
>> *Founder | CEO*
>> * <>* or *
>> <>*
>> mobile: (801) 360-3350
>> LinkedIn <>  |  Twitter
>> <> |  Facebook
>> <>
>> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 4:41 PM, Shane Johnson <> wrote:
>>> Now that I am able to deploy I reset the buildpack to
>>> ...#debug-custom-dist and redeployed. Here is the build log...URL does
>>> point to the correct distribution with the edited file.
>>> -----> JVM Common app detected
>>> -----> Installing JDK 1.8... done
>>> -----> PredictionIO app detected
>>> -----> Install core components
>>>        + PredictionIO 
>>> (
>>>        + Spark (spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.7)
>>> -----> Install supplemental components
>>>        + PostgreSQL (JDBC)
>>>        + S3 HDFS (AWS SDK)
>>>        + S3 HDFS (Hadoop-AWS)
>>>          Writing default 'core-site.xml.erb'
>>>        + local Maven repo from buildpack (contents)
>>> -----> Configure PredictionIO
>>>        Writing default ''
>>>        Writing default 'spark-defaults.conf.erb'
>>>        + Maven repo from buildpack (build.sbt entry)
>>>        Set-up environment via '.profile.d/' scripts
>>> -----> Install JVM (heroku/jvm-common)
>>> -----> PredictionIO engine
>>>        Quietly logging. (Set `PIO_VERBOSE=true` for detailed build log.)
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Using command 
>>> '/tmp/build_67e7942abed821fccc839c9a79faf0eb/lift-iq-score-e92ed3de9212d04972e0e67e68b5407489e0c8d0/PredictionIO-dist/sbt/sbt'
>>>  at 
>>> /tmp/build_67e7942abed821fccc839c9a79faf0eb/lift-iq-score-e92ed3de9212d04972e0e67e68b5407489e0c8d0
>>>  to build.
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] If the path above is incorrect, this process will 
>>> fail.
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Uber JAR disabled. Making sure 
>>> lib/pio-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar is absent.
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Going to run: 
>>> /tmp/build_67e7942abed821fccc839c9a79faf0eb/lift-iq-score-e92ed3de9212d04972e0e67e68b5407489e0c8d0/PredictionIO-dist/sbt/sbt
>>>   package assemblyPackageDependency in 
>>> /tmp/build_67e7942abed821fccc839c9a79faf0eb/lift-iq-score-e92ed3de9212d04972e0e67e68b5407489e0c8d0
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Compilation finished successfully.
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Looking for an engine...
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Found 
>>> template-scala-parallel-liftscoring_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Found 
>>> template-scala-parallel-liftscoring-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT-deps.jar
>>>        [INFO] [Engine$] Build finished successfully.
>>>        [INFO] [Pio$] Your engine is ready for training.
>>>        Using default Procfile for engine
>>> -----> Discovering process types
>>>        Procfile declares types -> release, train, web
>>> -----> Compressing...
>>>        Done: 376.7M
>>> The release log is below...I am not seeing the  
>>> */app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/aws-java-sdk.jar
>>> *show up at the beginning of the CLASSPATH, this is what we should see
>>> correct? I was also manipulating the locally as well,
>>> I observed that adding a line right before echo "$CLASSPATH" was not
>>> changing what was in the logged spark-submit command as an FYI. This is
>>> what I was testing locally...
>>> CLASSPATH="*/Users/shanejohnson/Desktop/Apps/liftiq_platform/lift-s*
>>> *core/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-s3-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar*
>>> echo "$CLASSPATH"
>>> I did not see any change in the spark-submit command by adding this
>>> when building and deploying locally.
>>> Release Log with new buildpack ..#debug-custom-dist
>>> Running train on release…
>>> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx12g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>>> [INFO] [Runner$] Submission command: 
>>> /app/PredictionIO-dist/vendors/spark-hadoop/bin/spark-submit 
>>> --driver-memory 13g --class org.apache.predictionio.workflow.CreateWorkflow 
>>> --jars 
>>> file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar,file:/app/target/scala-2.11/template-scala-parallel-liftscoring-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT-deps.jar,file:/app/target/scala-2.11/template-scala-parallel-liftscoring_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/._pio-data-hbase-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-localfs-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/._pio-data-s3-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/._pio-data-localfs-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-jdbc-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-elasticsearch-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/._pio-data-elasticsearch-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/._pio-data-hdfs-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,*file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-s3-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar*,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-hbase-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/._pio-data-jdbc-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/hadoop-aws.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-hdfs-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,*file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/aws-java-sdk.jar*
>>>  --files 
>>> file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf/,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf/core-site.xml
>>>  --driver-class-path 
>>> /app/PredictionIO-dist/conf:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf
>>>  --driver-java-options -Dpio.log.dir=/app 
>>> file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/pio-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar 
>>> --engine-id org.template.liftscoring.LiftScoringEngine --engine-version 
>>> 0c35eebf403cf91fe77a64921d76aa1ca6411d20 --engine-variant 
>>> file:/app/engine.json --verbosity 0 --json-extractor Both --env 
>>>  13g 
>>>  13g 
>>> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx12g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>>> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx12g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>>> [INFO] [Engine] Extracting datasource params...
>>> [INFO] [Engine] Datasource params: (,DataSourceParams(Some(5)))
>>> [INFO] [Engine] Extracting preparator params...
>>> [WARN] [WorkflowUtils$] Non-empty parameters supplied to 
>>> org.template.liftscoring.Preparator, but its constructor does not accept 
>>> any arguments. Stubbing with empty parameters.
>>> [INFO] [Engine] Preparator params: (,Empty)
>>> *Shane Johnson | LIFT IQ*
>>> *Founder | CEO*
>>> * <>* or *
>>> <>*
>>> mobile: (801) 360-3350
>>> LinkedIn <>  |  Twitter
>>> <> |  Facebook
>>> <>
>>> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 11:17 AM, Mars Hall <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm lost as to how such direct manipulation of CLASSPATH is not
>>>> appearing in the logged spark-submit command.
>>>> What could cause this!?
>>>> I just pushed a version of the buildpack which should help debug.
>>>> Assuming only a single buildpack is assigned to the app, here's how to set
>>>> it:
>>>>   heroku buildpacks:set
>>>> Then redeploy the engine an check the build log for the line:
>>>>       + PredictionIO ($URL)
>>>> Please confirm that it is the URL of your custom PredictionIO dist.
>>>> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 2:47 PM, Shane Johnson <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Donald and Mars,
>>>>> I created a new distribution (
>>>>> <>
>>>>> with the added CLASSPATH code and pointed to the distribution with
>>>>> the PREDICTIONIO_DIST_URL variable within the engine app in Heroku.
>>>>> CLASSPATH="/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/aws-java-sdk.jar
>>>>> :$CLASSPATH"
>>>>> echo "$CLASSPATH"
>>>>> It didn't seem to force the aws-java-sdk to load first as I reviewed
>>>>> the release logs. Should the aws-java-sdk.jar show up as the first file
>>>>> within the --jars section when this is added CLASSPATH="
>>>>> /app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/aws-java-sdk.jar:$CLASSPATH".
>>>>> I'm still getting the NoSuchMethodError when the *aws-java-sdk.jar* loads
>>>>> after the *pio-data-s3-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar**. *Do you have
>>>>> other suggestions to try? I was also testing locally to change the order 
>>>>> of
>>>>> the --jars but changes to the didn't seem to change
>>>>> the order of the jars in the logs.
>>>>> Running train on release…
>>>>> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx12g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>>>>> [INFO] [Runner$] Submission command: 
>>>>> /app/PredictionIO-dist/vendors/spark-hadoop/bin/spark-submit 
>>>>> --driver-memory 13g --class 
>>>>> org.apache.predictionio.workflow.CreateWorkflow --jars 
>>>>> file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar,file:/app/target/scala-2.11/template-scala-parallel-liftscoring-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT-deps.jar,file:/app/target/scala-2.11/template-scala-parallel-liftscoring_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-hdfs-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-localfs-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-elasticsearch-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/hadoop-aws.jar,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-hbase-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,*file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-s3-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar*,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/pio-data-jdbc-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar,*file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/aws-java-sdk.jar*
>>>>>  --files 
>>>>> file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf/,file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf/core-site.xml
>>>>>  --driver-class-path 
>>>>> /app/PredictionIO-dist/conf:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/postgresql_jdbc.jar:/app/PredictionIO-dist/conf
>>>>>  --driver-java-options -Dpio.log.dir=/app 
>>>>> file:/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/pio-assembly-0.12.0-incubating.jar 
>>>>> --engine-id org.template.liftscoring.LiftScoringEngine --engine-version 
>>>>> 0c35eebf403cf91fe77a64921d76aa1ca6411d20 --engine-variant 
>>>>> file:/app/engine.json --verbosity 0 --json-extractor Both --env
>>>>> Error:
>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
>>>>>   at 
>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem.initialize(
>>>>>   at 
>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.createFileSystem(
>>>>>   at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.access$200(
>>>>> *Shane Johnson | LIFT IQ*
>>>>> *Founder | CEO*
>>>>> * <>* or *
>>>>> <>*
>>>>> mobile: (801) 360-3350
>>>>> LinkedIn <>  |  Twitter
>>>>> <> |  Facebook
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 1:01 PM, Mars Hall <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Shane,
>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 4:49 AM, Shane Johnson <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Re: adding a line to ensure a jar is loaded first. Is this what you
>>>>>>> are referring to...(line at the bottom in red)?
>>>>>> I believe the code would need to look like this to effect the output
>>>>>> classpath as intended:
>>>>>>> CLASSPATH="/app/PredictionIO-dist/lib/spark/aws-java-sdk.jar
>>>>>>> :$CLASSPATH"
>>>>>>> echo "$CLASSPATH"
>>>>>> aws-java-sdk.jar is already in the CLASSPATH though, So, the script
>>>>>> will need to be skip or remove it first.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Mars Hall
>>>>>> 415-818-7039 <(415)%20818-7039>
>>>>>> Customer Facing Architect
>>>>>> Salesforce Platform / Heroku
>>>>>> San Francisco, California
>>>> --
>>>> *Mars Hall
>>>> 415-818-7039 <(415)%20818-7039>
>>>> Customer Facing Architect
>>>> Salesforce Platform / Heroku
>>>> San Francisco, California
>> --
> *Mars Hall
> 415-818-7039
> Customer Facing Architect
> Salesforce Platform / Heroku
> San Francisco, California
*Mars Hall
Customer Facing Architect
Salesforce Platform / Heroku
San Francisco, California

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