From: Jonathan Barlow <> <>
Reply: <>
Date: April 2, 2019 at 8:30:25 PM
To: <>
Subject:  Re: fails

What operating system are you using? Could be differences in sbt options

On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 3:59 PM Pat Ferrel <> wrote:

> Trying to create the PIO 0.14.0 binary from the official source tarball, I
> geet the following odd error.
> Maclaurin:apache-predictionio-0.14.0 pat$ ./
> Building binary distribution for PredictionIO 0.14.0...
> + sbt/sbt clean
> [info] Loading settings for project apache-predictionio-0-14-0-build from
> assembly.sbt,plugins.sbt,unidoc.sbt ...
> [info] Loading project definition from
> /Users/pat/apache-predictionio-0.14.0/project
> [info] Loading settings for project root from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project assembly from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataElasticsearch from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project tools from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project e2 from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project core from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project data from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project common from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataS3 from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataLocalfs from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataJdbc from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataHdfs from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataHbase from build.sbt ...
> [info] Loading settings for project dataElasticsearch1 from build.sbt ...
> [info] Set current project to apache-predictionio-parent (in build
> file:/Users/pat/apache-predictionio-0.14.0/)
> [success] Total time: 0 s, completed Apr 2, 2019 1:19:20 PM
> [error] Expected symbol
> [error] Not a valid command: -
> [error] Expected end of input.
> [error] Expected '--'
> [error] Expected 'debug'
> [error] Expected 'info'
> [error] Expected 'warn'
> [error] Expected 'error'
> [error] Expected 'addPluginSbtFile'
> [error] -Xms1024M
> [error]  ^

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