No, the API for Access to data in the EventServer does not require dataframes 
and so does not use them but you can easily convert into one if you need it. As 
to SparkML, use whatever you need in your algorithm. There are no restrictions 
as long as you build PIO for Spark 2 and include whatever libs you need in your 
Template’s build.sbt. 

I maintain The Universal Recommender, which uses Mahout on Spark, not MLlib. It 
also does not use Spark for deployed query serving, which is typical of many 
Templates. So there is room to use your own architecture as long as it fits the 
general patterns. 

On Apr 19, 2017, at 11:28 PM, Fangzhou Yang <> wrote:

Thanks for the reply. 

As I understand, the template algorithm uses PAlgorithm interface from PIO, 
which are using RDD instead of DataFrame. Can I also implement a template 
algorithm with SparkML and DataFrame? Is there any guide online? 

@Pat Ferrel <> Is the template that you 
maintaining on the github? If yes, could you provide the link?

Many Thanks,
From: Pat Ferrel <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:37:08 PM
Subject: Re: Dose v.011 support Spark ML, DataFrame and Pipeline
There is no restriction in templates for what they use of Spark. The ones you 
are looking at simply don’t need those interfaces. If you need them and are 
writing templates you can use them. In fact I maintain a template that does not 
use Spark for the Algorithm, only for IO.

If you think some new API should be in the default PIO API which would that be?

On Apr 19, 2017, at 12:06 AM, Fangzhou Yang < 
<>> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to predictionio. I just noticed that v0.11 can already support Spark 
2.x, can it also currently support Spark ML, DataFrame and Pipeline. It seems 
the Algorithm interfaces support only Spark RDD. If SparkML is not supported 
for now, will it be on the roadmap? Are there anyone already work on it?  

Many Thanks,

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