Following hortonworks community guide helped me.
How to correctly setup the HDFS encryption using Ranger KMS - Hortonworks

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How to correctly setup the HDFS encryption using Ranger KMS - Hortonworks
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    On Friday, May 19, 2017 5:49 AM, Dale Bradman <da...@profusion.com> wrote:

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div.yiv4867688940WordSection1 {}-->Hello.    I've recently upgraded the cluster 
to HDP 2.5.3 as well as Ambari to however I'm now facing problems 
running Hive queries.    Each query that invokes Tez (i.e. `insert`) results in 
the following error:    Caused by: 
org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: User:hdfs not 
allowed to do 'GENERATE_EEK' on 'hive'    Here are my commands:    $ kinit -kt 
/etc/security/keytabs/automation.keytab $ beeline -u 
 -f hive_script.hql    This is obviously something that was working before the 
upgrade.    Why is it running the script as the hdfs user? I have not added the 
`hdfs` user to the 'GENERATE_EEK' property on the Ranger KMS UI as this is not 
advised (and also not permitted).    Are there any settings that need to be 
adjusted after the upgrade?    Thanks, Dale    


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