Just a follow-up question though : is there a way to define several dnpattern
values ? Because the users are located into two different sections of my
LDAP, so I have the following patterns :
CN={0},OU=External,OU=Users,DC=cmb,DC=blabla,DC=org  and
CN={0},OU=Internal,OU=Users,DC=cmb,DC=blabla,DC=org and I want LDAP
authentication to work for both.
Best regards,

Technical leader Big Data
Capgemini (Lyon, France)

Le jeu. 18 avr. 2024 à 13:39, Loïc CHANEL <loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> a
écrit :

> Hi Vipin,
> Already did this but didn't see the file name as I was expecting them to
> be before the properties but not after.
> By finding the loaded file in the logs I've been able to troubleshoot my
> issue.
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Technical leader Big Data
> Capgemini (Lyon, France)
> Le jeu. 18 avr. 2024 à 13:11, Vipin Rathor <v.rat...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi Loïc,
>> If you turn on log4j debug for Apache Ranger, then the debug log will
>> tell you where the congratulations are being loaded from.
>> Also, please check if you aren’t making changes in a different copy of
>> the actual config file (most probably you might have checked but wouldn’t
>> hurt to double check).
>> Regards,
>> VR
>> On Apr 18, 2024, at 14:43, Loïc CHANEL <loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net>
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm trying to configure the LDAP authentication for UI access, so I
>> edited the properties in ranger-admin-site.xml file and restarted, but I
>> saw in the logs the properties I edited are not applied. For instance, the
>> property ranger.ldap.url has the value ldap://cmb.mydomain.org:389 in
>> the XML file, but when Ranger starts I can see in the logs that the default
>> value ( ldap:// ) is loaded by Ranger instead of what I defined.
>> Is there something I'm missing ? How can I see where the values are
>> loaded from ?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Loïc CHANEL
>> Technical leader Big Data
>> Capgemini (Lyon, France)

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