I suppose that I could create a different definition like:

    <definition name="/mainLayout" path="/tiles/layouts/siteLayout.jsp">
        <put name="htmlHeader" type="template" value=""/>
        <put name="header" type="template" value="/tiles/headerTile.jsp"/>
        <put name="rightSideBar" type="template" 
        <put name="footer" type="template" value="/tiles/footerTile.jsp"/>

    <definition name="/htmlHeaderPage" extends="/mainLayout">
        <put name="htmlHeader" type="template" 

and then use 

        <tiles:insert name="/htmlHeaderPage" />

however, I have used the previous method for rendering the "put" described 
_within_ the definition successfully under Tomcat with shale-1.0.3. This is 
also described by Dick Starr at:


where he inserts the title and body "puts" successfully. Are both of use doing 
different things? If so, can you point out what I'm doing that is different or 
something that is now obsolete in shale-1.0.4?

                             -=> Gregg <=-

Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> Gregg Leichtman ha scritto:
>> /index.jsp:
>> <jsp:forward page="/tiles/layouts/siteLayout.faces"/>
> The problem is that you are trying to forward to a layout page,
> without filling its attributes.
> You have to forward to a page that contains:
> <tiles:insert name="/welcomePage" /> (I guess this is what you need)
> where "/welcomePage" is the name of the definition.
> Ciao
> Antonio

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