Hm ignore this - its working now, don't know why, but testet in dozen
times without success, minutes after writing the mail it does :-|, maybe
i found out why, only cleared out my cookies, i dont believe that this
could be reason.


Am Freitag, den 27.10.2006, 10:37 +0200 schrieb Torsten Krah:
> I've got a logout link on my pages which does invalidate the session and
> return "logout".
> If i use plain jsp it works.
> Now i've got a dialog.
> If i use a "plain" logout outcome from a commandLink, the navigation
> rule does what it should, the dialog state engine reaches it defined
> logout end state and navigates to the end state.
> But when using the logout from my backend action method which
> invalidates the session and the return "logout", no navigation happens
> and the state machine does not reach its defined logout end state.
> Not reaching the end state should not matter, because the session is
> lost, so i think we don't need to care about, but the navigation outcome
> should be handled and executed, shouldn't it?
> How to overcome this, i guess without the session the dialog data is
> gone, but in this case it would be nice if the outcome gets handled from
> the faces navigation handler which works if no dialog is present.
> Hints, thoughts?
> Torsten

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