2006/11/3, Thomas Walland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi, As I already wrote, I am a newby to apache shale. So I have a few general questions. I have great experience with apache struts, but never made some work with JSF or other technologies which are used in shale. So I need something like a short introduction in the style of "shale für struts users".
Shale is built on JSF, so you need to have a good grasp of JSF fundamentals. I heard a lot about the prerenderer. Is this something like the
controller-classes in struts-tiles? A class or action which is called just before the associated jsp or html file is rendered?
Yes, the controller's prerender method is indeed much like a Tiles controller. In that method, you generally set things up for the view. Until now I had only a look to the clay-usecases example which is
distributed on the shale-webpage. In this example, there is a managed-bean defined (QueryParam) which puts some Request-Parameters into the defined class. Can we say in general, that this is a rebuild of the functionality of the Struts-Action's? Another question: Most question and mails on this list refer to jsp functionality and problems with some jsp-errors. As I heard about struts especially about clay, this was the most interesting point for me. But it seems that not that much people are using clay at the moment? Are there some great disadvantages about this technology? I want to realize a huge project with shale and also with clay. Is it a too early stage to use clay? Is there some further developement work, which should be done?
truphone.com was implemented using Shale and Clay. I hope my questions are clearly written. I am not so an experienced
No problem, you're doing very well. david Thanks :-)
Thomas --- Thomas Walland http://www.walland.net [EMAIL PROTECTED]