Hi! I wrote some scenario for the issue [1]. In the source code of
class org.apache.shale.component.Token, method public void
validate(FacesContext context) i saw the following:
// If any of the other input components in this form triggered
// validation errors, we do NOT want to validate the token component
// here, because that would erase the saved token and prevent the
// subsequent valid resubmit from succeeding.
// WARNING - for this test to be successful, the token component must
// be the last input component child of the parent form to be
// processed
if (context.getMaximumSeverity() != null) {

In my case there is an error when i submit the page so the maximum
severity is not null. I modified the code so i get:
if (context.getMaximumSeverity() != null) {
  //putting null here will cause NPE

and in the public String getToken() i changed the condition

if (value != null && !value.equals("")) {
   return value;

With this code the token works as expected now but only if its the
last input component in the form.

[1] http://issues.apache.org/struts/browse/SHALE-287

Seeing is believing

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