>From: "Meyer, Stefan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> There does not seem to be a Lifecycle method in the ViewController 
> called before model update (if immediate=false). 

The preprocess method is called on the view controller on a postback.  It's 
called before the apply request values phase.  

> I think that would come in handy when setting up selectItems list. 
> Currently I do this with a saveState or in the initialize method. The 
> initialize method is called even if immediate is true and the 
> selectItems do not need to be populated. Implementing the selectItems 
> lazily I find not so good - I would like to setup my whole page at 
> once. 

The prerender might be your best place to populate state for the whole page.  
It's invoked before the page rendered.

> Any ideas? 


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