On 11/30/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was looking in the BasicDialogContext.advance(facesContext, outcome)
method.  It looks like if the outcome is null, the transition is skipped but
the view is always created later on at the end of the method.  Maybe we
should just bail out of advance if there is not an outcome.  I think that's
what the myfaces navigation hander does.  Not sure what effect that would
have on the rest of the dialog.  Just an observation...

Your observation was right on ... that was exactly the issue.  We were
staying in the same state, but we were recreating the view (i.e. the
component tree), which caused a loss of any data that the components had
stored there.  That's now fixed, as of the 20061201 nightly build.




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