
I guess this is first and foremost targeted at Rahul: Does anybody know of an 
opensource tool (preferably Eclipse based) that will let you model Dialogs flow 
(i.e Statediagrams) and from that create scxml files?


None that I'm aware of. Clearly, one of the links in the value
proposition illustrated by the picture here [1] remains yet to be
realized for most of us.

The plugin snapped in that picture, which is the only one I've used,
is a prototype developed specifically for Rational tooling. I
understand the intent is to make it available on alphaworks, and that
its likely to take months.

A recent thread on the Commons list [2] drew out some references to
XSLT based tooling that works off of XMI-complaint UML diagrams (to
SVG etc., but could similarly transform to SCXML from state machine or
activity diagrams, if someone were to actually dig in).

On a slightly positive note, I have come across enough independent
interest among users towards realizing such tooling. We can also
probably expect tooling choices to emerge as the SCXML specification
at the W3C matures beyond a Working Draft (they say now it could go
last call 3Q07, its always a bit of a moving target).


[1] http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/scxml/


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