On 1/25/07, Paul Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a dialog that adds a vendor. If the dialog successfully add the
vendor, or the dialog is canceled, then I want to end the dialog with a
call to the action #{vendorManager.listAllVendors}.  The view to display
upon the completion of the action is configured in faces-config.xml.
How to do I configure this ?


For v1.0.4, this requires a bit of knowledge of the internals (the
recent DialogHelper addition to trunk really simplifies this ;-).
Knowing that the active DialogContext is stored as a request-scoped
attribute with key Constants.CONTEXT_BEAN, its possible to end the
dialog like so:


DialogContext dcontext = (DialogContext)



You can guard the stop() with a not null and isActive() predicate, if
deemed necessary. The good thing is this will also do the necessary
book-keeping cleanup associated with the DialogContextManager for you.
Assumes the view displayed (via the faces-config nav rule) is not part
of any dialog at that point.


Paul Spencer

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