
I encountered the same problem. I started development with
shale-1.0.4-SNAPHSOT a while ago and wrote my own ExceptionHandler, too.
 That worked so far. 3 weeks ago I upgraded to 1.0.4 and for example
acegi exceptions didn't get propagated anymore to its ExceptionFilter.
At this time I thought, it worked before because of a bug in the
SNAPSHOT release and that got fixed in the final 1.0.4. Something
changed in the way of handling exceptions I guess. I can't remember
exactly what I changed to get it running in 1.0.4 again, but it had
something todo with trowing exceptions.

In the past, I think the Shale Controller threw exceptions that were
queued up in the session under FacesConstants.EXCEPTIONS_LIST. Now this
isn't done anymore. I had to throw the exception explicitly in my shale
exception handler to get it propagated.

I would be also interested in what changed exactly and what's the right
way to handle exceptions in shale...


Ingo Düppe schrieb:
> Hi,
> I guess I missed some changes in shale 1.0.4. I override the
> DefaultExceptionHandling so that my backing bean can throw to types of
> exceptions one of my ApplicationExceptions and the unchecked
> SystemExceptions. These two types were handled by the
> DefaultExceptionHandler. For instance, the application exception just
> ends up in an error message on the same view.
> But now there is a responseComplete within the ShaleViewRoot (Is this
> class new?) that prevents the rendering after exception handling.
> So, do I need to introduce my own ViewRoot component or what is the
> recommended way to handle my exceptions?
> Regards
> Ingo

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