>From: Adrian Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I've found the problem (using both Oracle ADF and some 
> shale extensions doesn't work). 
> It's in shale-validator and in shale-tiles (1.0.4 
> version). For info, I'm using adf-faces 10_1_3_0_4. 
> To reproduce the problem with shale-validator, one 
> just needs to put the shale-validator.jar in 
> WEB-INF/lib. We don't need to use a validator 
> explicitly in jsf page. 
> To reproduce the problem with shale-tiles, one needs 
> to put the shale-tiles.jar in WEB-INF/lib AND to call 
> jsf page through a tile definition. 
> I've done some debugging with shale-validator. 
> The problem with this validator is that it changes the 
> current renderKit (see 
> org.apache.shale.validator.faces.setupRenderKit). 
> I've just commented the setupRenderKit method 
> implementation and the JSF page displays fine. 
> Can we change something in order to use ADF with those 
> Shale extensions ? 

I don't know if the two will work together.  The ADF component 
library takes advantage of about every JSF extension point.  I'm
making this statement based on reviewing Trinidad's code.

Both ADF and Shale Validator use a custom RenderKit.  In
Shale Validator's case, it decorates the original so that it can
decorate renderers.  This is needed because Shale is not a 
widget library and we are not interested in build a suite of 
components from the ground up as you will see with ADF.
This trick allows us to modify a renderers behavior without
rewritting every renderer that is a Input or Command component.

If the registration of shale validator's faces-config is prior to
ADF, there might be a chance to make it work however
I'm doubtful.

Assuming that ADF has the same validator support as Trinidad,
you might rather look at their's which is couple with their components
and provides client side validation.

tr:validateRegExp - Validate expression using java regular expression syntax.
tr:validateLongRange - Validate that the date entered is within a given range.
tr:validateLength - Validate that the date entered is within a given range.
tr:validateDoubleRange - Validate that the date entered is within a given range.
tr:validateDateTimeRange - Validate that the date entered is within a given 
tr:validateDateRestriction - Validate that the date entered is within a given 
tr:validateByteLength - Validate the byte length of strings when encoded.

> Thanks 


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