For JSF in general, this can be caused if you have input components in
multiple forms (recommended practice is one form per page), or inside
of UIData components (t:dataTable and t:dataList have a
preserveRowStates=true attribute to handle this).

On 4/26/07, Torsten Krah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Got a problem with clay and flowScoped Spring beans.

My view is everytime filled with the model values. The submitted values
are lost.

I can enter some data in my input fields and submit the form - if i left
some required input fields empty, a message appears that something is
missing, so far so good.
However, the same field which i left empty - and all others i may have
changed - are now populated again with values from my bean.

What might cause this? I thought the component should remember this
value and display this instead of the beans model value. Lifecycle
stopped processing at Validation phase, so the components should not be
cleared, any idea or tipps to debug this?


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