Comments inline (quite a ways down) ...

I have some problem with subdialogs using shale1.1.0-snapshot (22/05).

The first problem is:

I have a dialog B with following this configuration:

  <dialog name="Test dialogo B" start="Pagina A">

    <view name="Pagina A" viewId="/test_dialogo_b/pagina_a.jsp">

      <transition outcome="avanti" target="Pagina B"/>

      <transition outcome="indietro" target="Exit"/>


    <view name="Pagina B" viewId="/test_dialogo_b/pagina_b.jsp">

      <transition outcome="avanti" target="Pagina C"/>

      <transition outcome="indietro" target="Pagina A"/>


    <view name="Pagina C" viewId="/test_dialogo_b/pagina_c.jsp">

      <transition outcome="avanti" target="Exit"/>

      <transition outcome="indietro" target="Pagina B"/>


    <end name="Exit" viewId="/home/home.jsp"/>


When I run this dialog not how subdialog I need this dialog end showing


Which should be happening, correct?

I also need to call this dialog like subdialog of the following dialog

  <dialog name="Test dialogo C" start="Pagina A">

    <view name="Pagina A" viewId="/test_dialogo_a/pagina_a.jsp">

      <transition outcome="avanti" target="Invoca dialogo B"/>

      <transition outcome="indietro" target="Exit"/>


    <view name="Pagina B" viewId="/test_dialogo_a/pagina_b.jsp">

      <transition outcome="avanti" target="Pagina C"/>

      <transition outcome="indietro" target="Pagina A"/>


    <view name="Pagina C" viewId="/test_dialogo_a/pagina_c.jsp">

      <transition outcome="avanti" target="Exit"/>

      <transition outcome="indietro" target="Pagina B"/>


    <subdialog name="Invoca dialogo B" dialogName="Test dialogo B">

      <transition     outcome="avanti"

                       target="Pagina B"/>

      <transition     outcome="indietro"

                       target="Pagina A"/>


    <end name="Exit" viewId="/home/home.jsp"/>


The problem is that when the subdialog B ends, shale does not show
/test_dialogo_a/pagina_b.jsp but show "/home/home.jsp" .

When I use old shale 1.0.3 does work correctly.


Looks like a bug to me, seems related to SHALE-423 [1]. I will take a
look at this, hopefully this weekend.

The second problem is that I'm using the "data" property of
DialogContext to store some information but when start subdialog B, the
getData of DialogContext return an HashMap (not my class).


I haven't used the basic dialog implementation heavily, but that
matches my understanding of how the basic impl works. A subdialog also
implies a new dialog data being "pushed onto the stack" (and if you
haven't specified a dialog data class, it defaults to a HashMap).

This is different from the Commons SCXML implementation, where the
dialog data will be shared between the parent dialog and any
subdialogs (to whatever "depth" they may exist). I believe you are
looking for something similar, though that is not how the basic impl
behaves (there are pros/cons to either).



Please help me.....


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