
Their is an introduced bug in 1.0.4. See

I am using 1.0.4 because SCXML dialogs are needed.

Paul Spencer

Costa Basil wrote:
My mistake. I didn't define org.apache.shale.view.faces.LifecycleListener as 
listener in web.xml. Now it works, but it is called twice...

Anyway, the other question remains, is the upgrade 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 flawless? 
What worries me are subtle side-effects that are hard to find...

Costa Basil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi:

I have a request backing bean class that extends AbstractViewController and overrides the init() method. I noticed the init method is not called, however the preprocess and prerender methods are called.
Is this normal? I am using Shale 1.0.3 which begs the next question:

How hard is to upgrade to Shale 1.0.4, that is am I to expect lots of issues? I 
have a big application I am reluctant to upgrade. I am using only the core, 
remoting and the validation modules.


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