If the backing bean is request scoped it might just be a problem with not
saving the state of the tables model.

Try using the saveState component.

On 7/5/07, Érico Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a method called listen() in a ManagedBean. In this method I run a
JPA query and load the result in a collection of myPojo ...

I would like to show this result in a jsp table

Everything is going fine until I try to navigate trouhg the table, it's
clearing the content of my model ...

I'm using Tomahawk DataScroller and I am posting my message in this list
because no one bodered to respond in MyFaces List ...

Another reason is that I don't think the problem is in the component but
in my Bean implementation

In my jsp I have :

<t:dataTable value="#{myBean.model}" binding="#{myBean.table}"
    var="m" id="tbl" preserveDataModel="true" ...

In my Managend Bean I have the model as DataModel and table as

In voi listen() method implementation :

List<PojoTeste> res = (List<PojoTeste>) query.getResultList();
model.setWrappedData(res );

When I debug my app I can see that my model is set to null ...

I'm trying to solve this for a few days and had no success on this

Could anyone give me a hand ?

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