Can you describe your use case a bit more? I'm not 100% sure what you mean
by "Shiro embedded into Jena into Keycloak"

If you just need to validate a JWT passed as a bearer token (i.e. an
`Authorization` header with the `Bearer` prefix), you can do that.
Here is an example I created for Okta (you would have to replace the JWT
parsing logic to fit your own use case)

On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 11:46 AM Jonathan MERCIER
<> wrote:

> Dear community,
> We plan to use keycloak as IAM service for all our application and one of
> our tools used (Apache Jena) manage authorization with apache shiro.
> So I would like to know if one of below  it is possible to :
> 1. register apache Shiro embeded into Jena into Keycloak? in order to
> forward autorization throuhgt a JWT containing encrypted role
> 2. Detach  Jena/shiro, in order to get 1 server for apache shiro (as IAM
> service instead of keycloak) and 1 another server for Jena
> and all our internal application would use apache shiro to validate an
> user Identity/Authorization
> To me I would prefer the first one as it imply less devlopment
> Thanks for your help and your insight
> Best regards

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