Thank you, it worked perfectly

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:31 PM Martin Desruisseaux <> wrote:

> Hello Thierry!
> Le 17/10/2019 à 20:06, Thierry Danard a écrit :
> I recently started to use Apache SIS. It was fairly easy to learn how to
> convert between two coordinate systems. However, my application requires
> the precision brought by the use of NADCON and NTV2 grid shifts. I do see
> in the logs the following warnings when I perform a coordinate conversion:
> Oct 17, 2019 12:36:32 PM
> org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperationFinder
> createOperations
> WARNING: Can not parse “NTv2_0.gsb” as a file in the NTv2 format.
> (...snip...)
> I do have a copy of all .las, .los and .gsb files. My first question is:
> where does Apache SIS expect these files to be located?
> For data files like datum grids, SIS needs a directory where the data will
> be located. This directory can be located anywhere on your machine. Its
> location is specified by the SIS_DATA environment variable. On Linux and
> MacOS systems, this environment variable can be set on the command-like as
> below:
> export SIS_DATA=/path/to/a/directory
> On Windows systems, I think the command is "set" instead of "export".
> The directory pointed by the SIS_DATA environment variable must exist;
> SIS will not create it in order to avoid touching the system without user
> knowledge. For the same reason, there is currently no default directory is
> SIS_DATA is not set.
> The ".los", ".las" and ".gsb" can be put in a sub-directory of above
> directory with exactly this name (including upper-cases):
> DatumChanges/
> By the way, SIS can also use this directory for the EPSG dabase
> <>. Using that directory +
> sis-epsg Maven artifact is faster than using the sis-embedded-data Maven
> artifact. Just having the SIS_DATA variable defined and the sis-epsg
> Maven artifact available on the classpath (instead of sis-embedded-data)
> is sufficient; SIS will create a local copy of the EPSG database in that
> directory automatically.
> The org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.provider.NADCON class only
> references one grid (the conus grid, defined by conus.los and conus.las
> files). How do I add other NADCON grids (ex: alaska) ? Should I modify the
> code of the  NADCON class to take into account my other NADCON grid files ?
> There is no need to change the code. Just put all files in above-cited <value
> of SIS_DATA>/DatumChanges/ directory and it should work. SIS gets the
> name of datum shift grid from the EPSG database. In order to instruct SIS
> to use the grid for Alaska, use the CRS.findOperation static method
> <,,org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox)>
> with the areaOfInterest argument set to a bounding box over Alaska. Same
> apply for other regions of the world.
> In order to verify if the datum grid files are used, just print the
> CoordinateOperation to the console:
> System.out.println(theOperation);
> Check the PARAMETER elements in the output string. You should see
> parameter with the grid file names in it.
> Please let us know if there is any issue,
>     Regards,
>         Martin

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