Hello Thierry

Le 24/10/2019 à 23:40, Thierry Danard a écrit :

After using AbstractCRS.castOrCopy(...).forConvention(AxesConvention.DISPLAY_ORIENTED), I was able to get consistent results

Thanks for letting us know. Alternatively, it is also possible to use WKTFormat [1] which provides some control on the parsing. In particular, the following line:


instructs the parser to ignore the AXIS declarations in WKT, in which case the default is EAST, NORTH axis directions in degrees or metres. This setting also has another effect on unit of measurements which may also affect the results when using some old Coordinate Reference System with grads angular units instead than degrees. The javadoc [2] gives some more details. Those different conventions are provided for compatibility with different software who had different interpretations of WKT 1 specification.


[1] http://sis.apache.org/apidocs/org/apache/sis/io/wkt/WKTFormat.html

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