Sorry for bothering you so much but we are a bit stuck on this last part.
Here is a description of what we are trying to do:

        // input data is in EPSG:26716 (NAD27 / UTM zone 16N)
        double x = 250072.891031813;
        double y = 4147221.68033625;

        // we want to use explicitly EPSG:1175 (NAD27 to WGS 84 (6) ) for
the datum transformation part

        //what we are trying to calculate
        double wgs84Latitude;
        double wgs84Longitude;

Of course we have figured out how to do it with the default TOWGS transform
but not with the one we want (1175)

On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 3:47 PM Martin Desruisseaux <> wrote:

> Hello Thierry
> Le 16/12/2019 à 22:26, Thierry Danard a écrit :
> (...snip...) The set returned does contain many eligible operations, and
> one of them is transform 1311, the one I want to use.
> CoordinateOperation["ED50 to WGS 84 (18)",
>   (...snip...),
>   Id["EPSG", *1311*, "9.7",
> URI["urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG:9.7:1311"]]]
> (...snip...) Is there an API that would give me direct access to this
> transform id?
> Yes. Most objects (CoordinateOperation, CoordinateReferenceSystem, etc.)
> have a getIdentifiers() method. So one can write:
> for (Identifier id : coordinateOperation.getIdentifiers()) {
>     String code = id.getCode();
>     if (code.equals("theDesiredCode") {
>         // Found it.
>     }
> }
> Alternatively the following class provides some static convenience methods
> that may be useful:
> As another alternative, if you know in advance the EPSG code of the
> desired coordinate operation, you can write directly:
> CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory opFactory = 
> (CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) CRS.getAuthorityFactory("EPSG");
> CoordinateOperation operation = opFactory.createCoordinateOperation("1311");
> Martin

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