Just when I say this I get automated test failures for the British National
Grid EPSG:27700 transformations with 1.1 that run fine in 1.0
Are you aware of any deliberate changes to the grid databases here?

sorry for the cross project code but this comes from our project
        String srsURI = SRS_URI.OSGB36_CRS;
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.forCode(srsURI);
        Boolean isAxisXY = SRSInfo.checkAxisXY(crs);
        Envelope expResult = new Envelope(-104009.35713717458,
688806.0073395987, -16627.734528041445, 1256558.4455361878);
        Envelope result = SRSInfo.buildDomainEnvelope(crs, isAxisXY);
        assertEquals(expResult, result);

[ERROR] Failures:
[ERROR]   SRSInfoTest.testBuildDomainEnvelope_OSGB36:104
expected:<Env[-118397.00138845091 : 751441.7790901454, -16627.734375018626
: 1272149.3463499574]> but was:<Env[-104009.35713717458 :
688806.0073395987, -16627.734528041445 : 1256558.4455361878]>

On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 5:37 PM Martin Desruisseaux <
martin.desruisse...@geomatys.com> wrote:

> Thanks Marco for the report, it is nice to hear!
>      Martin
> Le 12/12/2021 à 18:27, Marco Neumann a écrit :
> > Thank you Martin. That did the trick indeed. SIS works so quietly and
> > reliably in the background that it is easy to forget where it is and
> > how I have set it up in the first place.
> >
> > It works great with Apache Jena GeoSPARQL.
> >
> > again thank  you,
> > Marco


Marco Neumann

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