Recently, I have encountered many doubts in the process of developing using 
the org.apache.sis.measure package. I found that many useful classes, such as 
AbstractConverter and its subclasses, as well as the UnitRegistry class, are 
not public. Therefore, I cannot reuse existing converters like LinearConverter 
class, nor can I extend based on AbstractConverter, let alone use UnitRegistry 
to register some special units that cannot be derived from SI units. For 
example, I now hope to implement two units representing power - dBm and dBw - 
and realize mutual conversion with WATT; also to achieve mutual mapping between 
symbols and unit instances. But after much thought, I still don't know how to 
use the classes under org.apache.sis.measure package to construct these two 
units. In addition, for units representing transmission rates such as bps, 
kbps, mbps...and dBi which is essentially the same as dB but with different 
symbols are also unknown how to implement. 

    Specifically seeking advice on this matter.

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