
When you run multiple "applications" under Spark, and if each application
takes up the entire cluster resources, it is expected that one will block
the other completely, thus you're seeing that the wall time add together
sequentially. In addition there is some overhead associated with starting
up a new application/SparkContext.

Your other mode of sharing a single SparkContext, if your use case allows
it, is more promising in that workers are available to work on tasks in
parallel (but ultimately still subject to maximum resource limits). Without
knowing what your actual workload is, it's hard to tell in absolute terms
whether 12 seconds is reasonable or not.

One reason for the jump from 12s in local mode to 40s in cluster mode would
be the HBase bottleneck---you apparently would have 2x10=20 clients going
against the HBase data source instead of 1 (or however many local threads
you have). Assuming this is an increase of useful work output by a factor
of 20x, a jump from 12s to 40s wall time is actually quite attractive.

NB: given my assumption that the HBase data source is not parallelized
along with the Spark cluster, you would run into sublinear performance
issues (HBase-perf-limited or network-bandwidth-limited) as you scale out
your cluster size.
Christopher T. Nguyen
Co-founder & CEO, Adatao <http://adatao.com>

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Livni, Dana <dana.li...@intel.com> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> We have a big issue and would like if someone have any insights or ideas.
> The problem is composed of two connected problems.
> 1.       Run time of a single application.
> 2.       Run time of multiple applications in parallel is almost linear
> with run time of a single application.
> We have written a spark application patching its data from HBase.
> We are running the application using YARN-client resource manager.
> The cluster have 2 nodes (both uses as HBase data nodes and spark/YARN
> processing nodes).
> We have few sparks steps in our app, the heaviest and longest from all Is
> describe by this flow
> 1.       flatMap - converting the HBase RDD to objects RDD.
> 2.       Group by key
> 3.       Map making the calculations we need. (checking set of basic
> mathematical conditions)
> When running a single instance of this step Working on only 2000 records
> this step takes around 13s. (all records are related to one key)
> The HBase table we fetch the data from have 5 regions.
> The implementation we have made is using REST service which creates one
> spark context
> Each request we make to this service, run an instance of the application
> (but a gain all uses the same spark contxt)
> Each request creates multiple threads which run all the application steps.
> When running one request (with 10 parallel threads) the relevant stage
> takes about 40s for all the threads - each one of them takes 40s  itself,
> but they almost run completely in parallel, so also the total run time of
> one request is 40s.
> We have allocated 10 workers each with 512M memory (no need for more,
> looks like all the RDD is cached)
> So the first question:
> Does this run time make sense? For us it seems too long? Do you have an
> idea what are we doing wrong
> The second problem and the more serious one
> We need to run multiple parallel request of this kind.
> When doing so the run time spikes again and instead of an request that
> runs in about 1m (40s is only the main stage)
> We get 2 applications both running almost in parallel both run for 2m.
> This also happens if we use 2 different services and sending each of them
> 1 request.
> These running times grows as we send more requests.
> We have also monitored the CPU usage of the node and each request makes it
> jump to 90%.
> If we reduce the number of workers to 2 the CPU usage jump is to about
> 35%, but the run time increases significantly.
> This seems very unlikely to us.
> Are there any spark parameters we should consider to change?
> Any other ideas? We are quite stuck on this.
> Thanks in advanced
> Dana
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