
I'm implementing a recommender based on the algorithm described in http://www2.research.att.com/~yifanhu/PUB/cf.pdf. This algorithm forms the basis for Spark's ALS implementation for data sets with implicit features. The data set I'm working with is proprietary and I cannot share it, however I can say that it's based on the same kind of data in the paper---relative viewing time of videos. (Specifically, the "rating" for each video is defined as total viewing time across all visitors divided by video duration).

I'm seeing counterintuitive, sometimes nonsensical recommendations. For comparison, I've run the training data through Oryx's in-VM implementation of implicit ALS with the same parameters. Oryx uses the same algorithm. (Source in this file: https://github.com/cloudera/oryx/blob/master/als-common/src/main/java/com/cloudera/oryx/als/common/factorizer/als/AlternatingLeastSquares.java)

The recommendations made by each system compared to one other are very different---moreso than I think could be explained by differences in initial state. The recommendations made by the Oryx models look much better, especially as I increase the number of latent factors and the iterations. The Spark models' recommendations don't improve with increases in either latent factors or iterations. Sometimes, they get worse.

Because of the (understandably) highly-optimized and terse style of Spark's ALS implementation, I've had a very hard time following it well enough to debug the issue definitively. However, I have found a section of code that looks incorrect. As described in the paper, part of the implicit ALS algorithm involves computing a matrix product YtCuY (equation 4 in the paper). To optimize this computation, this expression is rewritten as YtY + Yt(Cu - I)Y. I believe that's what should be happening here:


However, it looks like this code is in fact computing YtY + YtY(Cu - I), which is the same as YtYCu. If so, that's a bug. Can someone familiar with this code evaluate my claim?



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