
The whole thing is packaged in a .jar file and I execute .addJar on the SparkContext. My expectation is that the whole jar together with that function is available on every worker automatically. Is that not a valid expectation?


On 3/13/14, 11:09 AM, Paul Brown wrote:

It's trying to send You just need to have the jsonMatches function available on the worker side of the interaction rather than on the driver side, e.g., put it on an object CodeThatIsRemote that gets shipped with the JARs and then filter(CodeThatIsRemote.jsonMatches) and you should be off to the races. <> | Multifarious, Inc. |

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:04 AM, Ognen Duzlevski < <>> wrote:


    Is there anything special about calling functions that parse json
    lines from filter?

    I have code that looks like this:

    jsonMatches(line:String):Boolean = {
      take a line in json format
      val jline=parse(line)
      val je = jline \ "event"
      if (je != JNothing && je.values.toString ==
    userSuppliedEventSelector) {
         val jp = jline \ "properties"
         val lineVals = for {
           p <- userProps
           val lp = jp \ p
           if (lp != JNothing && lp.values.toString ==
         } yield lp.toValues.toString
         if (userSuppliedVals.toSet == lineVals)
           return true

    userSuppliedEventSelector and userSuppliedValueSelector are
    Strings passed into the function that jsonMatches() is embedded
    within as is the following code.

    I then do something like:

    val f = sc.textFile(hdfs:\\somefile)
    val ev1rdd = f.filter(jsonMatches).map(something => somethingElse)

    I am getting the following
    14/03/13 14:55:21 ERROR OneForOneStrategy: Job aborted: Task not
    serializable: <>.NotSerializableException:

    I suspect that the json parsing library is not serializable?

    Any ideas? What do people do to achieve what I want to do?


Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular 
expressions." Now they have two problems.
-- Jamie Zawinski

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