Mahout does have a kmeans which can be executed in mapreduce and iterative 

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> On Mar 25, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Prashant Sharma <> wrote:
> I think Mahout uses FuzzyKmeans, which is different algorithm and it is not 
> iterative. 
> Prashant Sharma
>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Egor Pahomov <> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm running benchmark, which compares Mahout and SparkML. For now I have 
>> next results for k-means:
>> Number of iterations= 10, number of elements = 10000000, mahouttime= 602, 
>> spark time = 138
>> Number of iterations= 40, number of elements = 10000000, mahouttime= 1917, 
>> spark time = 330
>> Number of iterations= 70, number of elements = 10000000, mahouttime= 3203, 
>> spark time = 388
>> Number of iterations= 10, number of elements = 100000000, mahouttime= 1235, 
>> spark time = 2226
>> Number of iterations= 40, number of elements = 100000000, mahouttime= 2755, 
>> spark time = 6388
>> Number of iterations= 70, number of elements = 100000000, mahouttime= 4107, 
>> spark time = 10967
>> Number of iterations= 10, number of elements = 1000000000, mahouttime= 7070, 
>> spark time = 25268
>> Time in seconds. It runs on Yarn cluster with about 40 machines. Elements 
>> for clusterization are randomly created. When I changed persistence level 
>> from Memory to Memory_and_disk, on big data spark started to work faster.
>> What am I missing?
>> See my benchmarking code in attachment.
>> -- 
>> Sincerely yours
>> Egor Pakhomov
>> Scala Developer, Yandex

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