
I ran into the same problem and eventually settled on just running the jars
directly with java. Since we use sbt to build our jars we had all the
dependancies builtin to the jar it self so need for random class paths.

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Andrew Lee <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm getting the following error when I execute which also
> invokes spark-class at the end.
> Failed to find Spark assembly in /root/spark/assembly/target/scala-2.10/
> You need to build Spark with 'sbt/sbt assembly' before running this
> program.
> After digging into the code, I see the CLASSPATH is hardcoded with "
> spark-assembly.*hadoop.*.jar".
> In bin/spark-class :
> if [ ! -f "$FWDIR/RELEASE" ]; then
>   # Exit if the user hasn't compiled Spark
> *  num_jars=$(ls "$FWDIR"/assembly/target/scala-$SCALA_VERSION/ | grep
> "spark-assembly.*hadoop.*.jar" | wc -l)*
> *  jars_list=$(ls "$FWDIR"/assembly/target/scala-$SCALA_VERSION/ | grep
> "spark-assembly.*hadoop.*.jar")*
>   if [ "$num_jars" -eq "0" ]; then
>     echo "Failed to find Spark assembly in
> $FWDIR/assembly/target/scala-$SCALA_VERSION/" >&2
>     echo "You need to build Spark with 'sbt/sbt assembly' before running
> this program." >&2
>     exit 1
>   fi
>   if [ "$num_jars" -gt "1" ]; then
>     echo "Found multiple Spark assembly jars in
> $FWDIR/assembly/target/scala-$SCALA_VERSION:" >&2
>     echo "$jars_list"
>     echo "Please remove all but one jar."
>     exit 1
>   fi
> fi
> Is there any reason why this is only grabbing spark-assembly.**hadoop*.*.jar
> ? I am trying to run Spark that links to my own version of Hadoop under
> /opt/hadoop23/,
> and I use 'sbt/sbt clean package' to build the package without the Hadoop
> jar. What is the correct way to link to my own Hadoop jar?

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