Ok.  Based on Sonal's message I dived more into memory and partitioning and
got it to work.

For the CSV file I used 1024 partitions [textFile(path, 1024)] which cut
the partition size down to 8MB (based on standard HDFS 64MB splits).  For
the key file I also adjusted partitions to use about 8MB.  This was still
blowing up with GC Overlimit and Heap OOM with join.  I then set SPARK_MEM
(which is hard to tease out of the documentation) to 4g and the join

Going back to find SPARK_MEM I found this the best explanation --

At a guess setting SPARK_MEM did more than changing the partitions.
 Something to play around.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Lanny Ripple <lanny.rip...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I've played around with it.  The CSV file looks like it gives 130
> partitions.  I'm assuming that's the standard 64MB split size for HDFS
> files.  I have increased number of partitions and number of tasks for
> things like groupByKey and such.  Usually I start blowing up on GC
> Overlimit or sometimes Heap OOM.  I recently tried throwing coalesce with
> shuffle = true,  into the mix thinking it would bring the keys into the
> same partition. E.g.,
>     (fileA ++ fileB.map{case (k,v) => (k,
> Array(v)}).coalesce(fileA.partitions.length + fileB.partitions.length,
> shuffle = true).groupBy...
> (Which should effectively be imitating map-reduce) but I see GC Overlimit
> when I do that.
> I've got a stock install with num cores and worker memory set as mentioned
> but even something like this
>     fileA.sortByKey().map{_ => 1}.reduce{_ + _}
> blows up with GC Overlimit (as did .count instead of the by-hand count).
>     fileA.count
> works.  It seems to be able to load the file as an RDD but not manipulate
> it.
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:04 AM, Sonal Goyal [via Apache Spark User List]
> <ml-node+s1001560n3417...@n3.nabble.com> wrote:
>> Have you tried setting the partitioning ?
>> Best Regards,
>> Sonal
>> Nube Technologies <http://www.nubetech.co>
>> <http://in.linkedin.com/in/sonalgoyal>
>> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:04 AM, lannyripple <[hidden 
>> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3417&i=0>
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've got something which I think should be straightforward but it's not
>>> so
>>> I'm not getting it.
>>> I have an 8 node spark 0.9.0 cluster also running HDFS.  Workers have
>>> 16g of
>>> memory using 8 cores.
>>> In HDFS I have a CSV file of 110M lines of 9 columns (e.g.,
>>> [key,a,b,c...]).
>>> I have another file of 25K lines containing some number of keys which
>>> might
>>> be in my CSV file.  (Yes, I know I should use an RDBMS or shark or
>>> something.  I'll get to that but this is toy problem that I'm using to
>>> get
>>> some intuition with spark.)
>>> Working on each file individually spark has no problem manipulating the
>>> files.  If I try and join or union+filter though I can't seem to find the
>>> join of the two files.  Code is along the lines of
>>> val fileA =
>>> sc.textFile("hdfs://.../fileA_110M.csv").map{_.split(",")}.keyBy{_(0)}
>>> val fileB = sc.textFile("hdfs://.../fileB_25k.csv").keyBy{x => x}
>>> And trying things like fileA.join(fileB) gives me heap OOM.  Trying
>>> (fileA ++ fileB.map{case (k,v) => (k,
>>> Array(v))}).groupBy{_._1}.filter{case
>>> (k, (_, xs)) => xs.exists{_.length == 1}
>>> just causes spark to freeze.  (In all the cases I'm trying I just use a
>>> final .count to force the results.)
>>> I suspect I'm missing something fundamental about bringing the keyed data
>>> together into the same partitions so it can be efficiently joined but
>>> I've
>>> given up for now.  If anyone can shed some light (Beyond, "No really.
>>>  Use
>>> shark.") on what I'm not understanding it would be most helpful.
>>> --
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