You can get detailed information through Spark listener interface regarding
each stage. Multiple jobs may be compressed into a single stage so jobwise
information would be same as Spark.

Mayur Rustagi
Ph: +1 (760) 203 3257
@mayur_rustagi <>

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Kevin Markey <>wrote:

>  The discussion there hits on the distinction of jobs and stages.  When
> looking at one application, there are hundreds of stages, sometimes
> thousands.  Depends on the data and the task.  And the UI seems to track
> stages.  And one could independently track them for such a job.  But what
> if -- as occurs in another application -- there's only one or two stages,
> but lots of data passing through those 1 or 2 stages?
> Kevin Markey
> On 04/01/2014 09:55 AM, Mark Hamstra wrote:
> Some related discussion:
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Philip Ogren <>wrote:
>> Hi DB,
>> Just wondering if you ever got an answer to your question about
>> monitoring progress - either offline or through your own investigation.
>>  Any findings would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Philip
>> On 01/30/2014 10:32 PM, DB Tsai wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> When we're running a very long job, we would like to show users the
>>> current progress of map and reduce job. After looking at the api document,
>>> I don't find anything for this. However, in Spark UI, I could see the
>>> progress of the task. Is there anything I miss?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> DB Tsai
>>> Machine Learning Engineer
>>> Alpine Data Labs
>>> --------------------------------------
>>> Web:

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